Create a Card Widget in Flutter

Create Card Widget in Flutter

Create Card Widget in Flutter - The Flutter Card Widget displays content and allows users to interact with it. You may use it to display… Read more  »
Complete Button in Flutter example

Complete Button in Flutter example

Button in Flutter is a piece of the UI, when tapped or clicked triggers some sort of action. The ElevatedButton, TextButton, and OutlinedButton widget are… Read more  »
How to use FutureBuilder in Flutter

How to use FutureBuilder in Flutter

With FutureBuilder in Flutter, you can construct your user interface depending on the outcome of a future. Common applications include displaying data from an API… Read more  »
Change Default Theme Color Flutter 2

Change Default Theme Color in Flutter

Theme Color in Flutter- Flutter uses themes to give an app a consistent visual style across its entirety. Themes can include everything from colors and… Read more  »
How to Create Cupertino Date Picker in Flutter 1

Cupertino: How to Create Cupertino Date Picker in Flutter

Flutter Cupertino Date Picker mimics iOS's date picker. Like iOS, it uses Cupertino design. You must include the cupertino package in your Flutter project before… Read more  »
What is text field in Flutter

What is Text Field in Flutter?

What is text field in Flutter - TextField Flutter widget enables users to input text and is ideal for creating forms, search bars, and other… Read more  »

Remove space ListTile in flutter

Remove space ListTile in flutter - ListTile widgets represent single list rows. It usually has a title, subtitle, leading icon, and trailing icon. ListTiles have… Read more  »
Create Random Colors in listview Flutter 1

Create Random Colors in listview Flutter

Create Random Colors in listview Flutter - Hello everyone, welcome to Flutterflux. This time we will discuss random colors in Flutter and how to implement… Read more  »
Custom Appbar in Flutter

Custom Appbar in Flutter

Custom Appbar in Flutter - a Material Design widget, displays the app's title, navigation buttons, and other actions or widgets in the top app bar.… Read more  »
Custom Circular Widget Design Flutter

Custom Circular Widget in Flutter

Custom Circular Widget in Flutter are UI elements of that shape that we customize. You can use these widgets for everything from buttons and icons… Read more  »